Re: yes, there's another hole in BIND

Karyn Pichnarczyk (
Fri, 22 Jul 1994 11:13:26 -0700

   vixie's message was perfectly appropriate.  He's in the perfect position
   to be able to confirm the rumor that was posted here of a bug with the
   answer that "yes, there is a bug."  He chose not to explain it.  Would you 
   prefer he NOT confirm, letting us go "Gosh, is there a bug?" "Well, I dunno,
   but I here there's a bug" "What's this about a bug?" for days on end??

I agree wholeheartedly. I'd rather have someone say that there's a
bug, and then put their energy into patching it, than to have the same
person say that there's a bug, and spend a few days creating a script
to exploit it, and only AFTER an exploit script is created and
distributed, fix the bug.


ps: If you respond, please edit your headers.  I am on the bugtraq
list, I don't need to be cc'd personally on any replies.